The heart wants what it wants and sometimes, the flesh is too weak to say no. And isn’t it true that the reason you feel like you want it is because ‘the universe’ has willed it to you? When life is happening ‘naturally’, our response should be to go with the flow! Oprah, Hmmm! Teacher, teach me nonsense!
Every human being has desires and passions. We believe that pursuing and satisfying them will bring us some sort of fulfilment. But then, not all our wants end up becoming a blessing to us. Sometimes, it is what we get that is at issue and other times, it is how we get it. It’s okay to ‘want it’, but the ‘it’ must be worth it!
1. You may HAVE WHAT YOU LIKE and not like what you have! That gorgeous girl or handsome dude may have a viperous tongue. Container ok, but content no be am! Why are you dying to have what will kill you? Good ‘queshion’! It is you who want it and you can ‘unwant’ it!
2. NOT ALL GOOD THINGS ARE COMPATIBLE! Sugar is good & ‘Banga’ soup is good too, but you don’t put sugar in banga! If it doesn’t fit, don’t force it! I know you want it, but it may not be meant for you. Or maybe, it’s not the right time. Discernment is higher than passion!
3. Before you give too much to get it, make sure it is WORTH EVERYTHING to you! Lust always hypes it’s sales pitch. Ask those who invested in a Ponzi scheme; it was an offer difficult to resist! And like my friend will say, ‘dem barber dem murumuru’. Hahaha! Please look clearly!
4. It is not everything you start that you must complete. No matter how far you’ve travelled in the wrong direction, it will never become the right direction! TURN BACK is sometimes the way forward! If engagement de indicate danger, abeg disengage!
5. There are times when you want a good thing and it isn’t coming in; keep wanting it and keep believing for it, but also keep options open. He may not propose, but someone else will. The ‘Apple Inc’ job may not come, but something good will. DON’T FIXATE, JUST KEEP FAITH!
6. Remember that whatever you want that is CONTRARY TO SCRIPTURES is contraband! Let it go! Anytime your will clashes with Gods will, please let God’s will win! And when we submit, he gives us his best!
Ok, make we hear Oga David, the man wey God helep;
“Take delight in the Lord,and He will give you your heart’s desires.
“Commit everything you do to the Lord.Trust Him, and He will help you.”
Ps 37:4-5 (NLT)
Prayer: May heaven overshadow you! Your godly desires will be fulfilled! The Lord deliver you from the wrong pursuits! You will eat the best of life in Jesus Christ name!
Much Love
George Izunwa
Lead Pastor
Jesus Exceeds Expectations!