Published By George Izunwa, July 1st, 2022



Expect great things! Believe without reservations! Work at it with optimism! Go in the confidence of grace! You will return with evident proofs of Gods goodness!

Happy New Month!

TEXT: PS 34:1-10

WORD TO WAR WITH: PS 145:18-19 [NLT]

I saw in a vision, a mega outpouring of answered prayers! It was as if everything was pouring down, like rain from heaven, at the same time! Everyone had something drop for him/her. And I asked the Lord, ‘Why?’ & He said to me; “they’ve waited patiently for so long!”

Friend, July is a supernatural month! It will shatter delays & overturn denial! There will be massive divine intervention in human affairs! The key words in most testimonies will be ‘immediately & suddenly’. Hallelujah! And, as I saw multitudes of angels being given their ministry instructions, one came near & said to me: “God keeps his covenants”!

How do you prepare for divine intervention?

-i- surrender your life & everything about you to God!

-ii- cry out to God, (in prayers & fasting), for mercy & help!

-iii- raise altars of remembrance by painful sacrifice!

-iv- release your faith through continual thanksgiving!

There is a famine coming to the nations in this season. Abject poverty & terrible suffering will increase in the land. Yes, I saw as if a corn plantation suddenly became like a sandy desert. Not one grain, planted or harvested. It was terrifying. But the Lord said to me, “tell my people, that this is the time to live by the covenant. I am their source!”

Again, He said to me: “The righteous will flourish by faith & wisdom. Stay on my word. Open your mouth wide & speak boldly. I will honour your faith & guide you to the hidden riches of secret places. While others are cast down, you will have the best season of your life!”

“This season will open the hearts of men to the gospel like never before! Go for me & keep at it! Give them hope. Be a minister of mercy & favour. Make my kingdom enlargement your first pursuit & I will make you a showpiece of my good hand!”

I saw in a flash a fiery image of a tragic situation. And the angel of the Lord said to me: “It shouldn’t happen! Evil is not part of the heritage of the righteous! It is within your authority to stop it, but sometimes, the faith that stops evil is not in prayers, but in obedience to only go at Gods command!” Our prayer: Lord, help us never to go where you are not leading!

At last, he said to me: “Bless young people. Stand with them. Refuse to judge them by their excesses, for the eyes of the Lord rests on them & his grace is poured out upon them. As you prophesy over them, the Lord will give new hearts to many & they will record mega exploits!” Amen!

Once again, welcome to July!

Please fully connect to our PRAYER PROGRAM by 11:00pm – 12:00midnight; every Sunday to Thursday in July. It’s called ‘The Midnight Cry!’

It will be live on Facebook; YouTube; LifeCenter Network TV; Radio Gateway In Mixlr & Live Radio Fm 91.1 [in PortHarcourt].

Remember that Every Friday in July 2022 [BEGINNING TONIGHT], we will have an ALL NIGHT MIRACLE SERVICE. 10:00pm – 5:00am. It’s our VIGILS OF DESTINY. I will be ministering with Rev Ntia Ntia & Pastor Jerry Eze. It will broadcast live in EVERY GATEWAY location!

You are blessed!

George Izunwa

Lead Pastor.

Jesus Exceeds Expectations!

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