Being criticized is not an emergency situation! It may not even be critical; unless it is for killing unarmed young protesters! Chei! But then, we all get criticized for not saying it right, not getting it done, not doing enough, coming late or coming too early, not having ‘the right attitude’ etc. Sometimes, we even get criticized just for being alive!
Trying to avoid criticism is like trying to avoid sand on your feet while walking the beach. Naaah! Just concentrate on the journey & shake off the sand later. Here I am reminded of the Elbert Hubbard quote: “To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing”.
Don’t label them haters!
And not all critics are haters. Actually some are invested in your progress even if they’re handling their approach wrong. Think spouse here! They all mean well oh! Again, some of our most destructive influences are ‘friends’ who would rather flatter than give critical counsel. They’re always the first to say, “I told him so”, after the mess!
It is better to have a true friend critic your journey & help you set your course straight, than to have a false friend cheer you on to destruction. I guess that’s why Solomon said,
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Pro 27:6
Everyone of us in positions of power need to hear that!
It shouldn’t last forever!
Well, one critic that needs to shut up is that loud nag that lives in the mind! Inner critic? Oh dear! What a traumatic company. Bossy. Unsmiling. Obsessive. Compulsive. Always digging up stuff. Never accepts ‘well done’. Nothing is good enough. Somebody’s stuff is always better.
Life always happens in the afterthought when the inner critic is at the drivers seat. You’re afraid to move & when you move, you’re afraid to return. There’s always a complaint. Acidic thoughts never water anything. When your opposition lives in your mind, your moments will always lack momentum.
So what do you say? Shhhh! I am working on it! It’s not perfect. It may not be perfect for a long time. But I am making progress & for that, God is glorified! Keep shut, you nagging voice! My results will keep vindicating my efforts! Yes, I am on my way!
Your year will be filled with the best of God! Your testimony will keep getting better! Everyday will reveal a higher glory than the day before! You will fulfill your purpose in God in Jesus Christ name!
George Izunwa
Lead Pastor
Jesus Exceeds Expectations!
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