My Mouth, Hold On

Published By James Nwachukwu, March 8th, 2021

My Mouth, Hold On

My Mouth, Hold On

There are mouse traps & there are mouth traps! One may catch you rats, while the other is to catch you ratting. The traps make victims of the simple & simpletons. And as with all snares, going in is easy & unintentional, but coming out, even with utmost intentionality, is difficult! 

A mouth trap is anything that gets you talking in order to make you a talking point! It is when your open mouth becomes an open door to confession, confusion, contention and/or corruption. Like in any trap, the person who set the trap knows what he/she is working at, while the person going in thinks he/she knows what’s at play.

No taking it back!

One challenging thing common with both words & bullets is that, the moment they fly out, there is no taking them back. You may say “sorry” for the millionth time & still not erase the impact. New words don’t erase old words. The wounds words create may heal, but the emotional scars may remain there. 

Also, even when the words are your sincere confessions of wrong, they will still produce wrong results in the wrong ears. Always remember that many people’s ears open directly to their mouths while sadly bypassing their hearts & brains. Your mess will neither receive mercy nor become a message with such people!

Spirits power the tongue!

I found out years ago that it is not only on the altar that people are inspired & anointed to speak by supernatural forces. Yes, every word we speak comes from one of three sources; our human spirit, the spirit of God, or the devil. We often don’t sense it, but the influence is real! 

And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself

Jam 3:6 (NLT)

This is where the prayer of David comes in!

Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips

Ps 141:3 (KJV)

And then these other counsels: count to 20; think before you speak; go to bed over the matter; evaluate the person you’re sharing the information with; when in doubt, don’t; just let it hang!  

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath

Jam 1:19 (KJV)

My mouth, hold on!


The Lord take tale bearers away from your inner circle! You will not be the victim of any conspiracy! The hand of God rest upon you to lift you up! May your words carry Gods power! This week bring the best to you in Jesus Christ name!

Much Love

George Izunwa
Lead Pastor 

Jesus Exceeds Expectations!

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