It’s obvious we’ve been in a season of madness. The Nigeria pot of commotion is almost boiling over. Everything that can go wrong is going wrong. Fires everywhere! And many people are busy ‘quenching’ the fires by pouring petrol on its flames! And that notwithstanding the fuel price increase!
The whole landscape is littered with talking heads; protagonists, analysts, operatives, militants, herdsmen, seers, mediators, propagandists, etc. Everyone is talking & yet we are not having a conversation. If it weren’t so disturbing, it would have been comedic!
Exit, stage left!
Ok. It seems like we have a ‘snagglepuss’ leadership situation. Someone has exited & yet the stage isn’t empty. The ones in charge cannot be charged with responsibility. Excuses, explanations & recriminations; that’s it! The ‘Ogas at the top’ are busy rearranging deck chairs on this sinking titanic!
Anyone who can afford it, is departing the country. Some have gone above. Some are traveling abroad. Some have chosen a new republic. Some are fighting for ‘autonomous communities’. Some just took off to 2023. And for those who can’t afford to leave, there is ‘yahoo plus’! It is crazy!
Check the box!
Even Pandora had hope left in her box. Am checking the Nigeria box now. Hmmm. The box deep. Still checking. Network is really slow. And my WhatsApp call is reconnecting. Anyway, e be like say something dey inside box. We still dey look!
But then, what should be the right spiritual protocol in this unwelcome season?
“Times are so evil that anyone with good sense will keep quiet.
“If you really want to live, you must stop doing wrong and start doing right. I, the LORD God All-Powerful, will then be on your side, just as you claim I am.
Choose good instead of evil! See that justice is done. Maybe I, the LORD All-Powerful, will be kind to what’s left of your people.
Amos 5:13-15 (CEV)
Talk seldom & always use right words. Keep praying & confessing faith in God. Refuse to be a social media militant, but also never shy from reporting the truth. Do right in your small corner. Refuse violence, but choose self defense if necessary. Keep trying to hold leaders accountable while working to defuse the tension in the hearts of people.
Yes, live as if all will be well, because whatever happens, God guarantees that it will end well for you!
Peace! You will never see shame nor suffer loss! The Lord cause you to prosper – spiritually, mentally, relationally, professionally, financially etc – in this trying times! Nigeria receive divine help in Jesus Christ name!
Much Love
George Izunwa
Lead Pastor
Jesus Exceeds Expectations!
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