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April 3, 2024 IN Uncategorized by

Welcome to April

It is possible to live amid challenges and still be at rest. The peace that God gives defies human understanding! That is why the heart can be calm while the world is stormy and everything seems up in the air! We breathe the natural air and yet live in God’s atmosphere! We take sure steps […]

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November 1, 2022 IN Monthly Prophetic Word, Uncategorized by


Hello Dear! Welcome to November! The word in the mouth of November is ‘unusual’! This will be the month of many unusual & unexpected blessings! It will be a month when patterns & predictable results are discarded! November will throw up both the unusual positive & the negative, but by covenant, you will only eat […]

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October 14, 2022 IN Uncategorized by

Celebration of Marital Bliss

The  Bible  Says:  “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD”  [PROVERBS18: 22]. The Delightsome Zone Most Heartily Celebrate One of Our Very  Best Couples, MR & MRS WILFRED and  MARY EMENIKE: Distinguished G12 Leaders of the REHOBOTH MEN  G12 and the CITADEL WOMEN G12,  Respectively;  On Their 22nd […]

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